Saturday, September 27, 2008

Former US Senator as a visiting fellow

My former US Senator Lincoln D. Chafee is pictured here (on the right) with a world renowned polo player. He is now a visiting fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University. Wish him well!! Also his new book, Against the Tide, is a great read, very entertaining and intriguing. Get it.

Autumn and The Canadian Maritimes

Oh, the marvals of nature. Fall is here and the southeastern section of Canada is indeed the place to go, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland. There you will find a vast array of animal life, whales, puffins, penguins, black bears, otters, moose, wolves and bald eagles. High surf, pounding against a rocky cliff. Vacations to consider, the Canadian Maritimes!!

the Rubicon Project | BETA

the Rubicon Project | BETA

Asperger's Syndrome

When a child exhibits signs of delayed speech, most parents tend to get alarmed. So they take him/her to the pediatrician and he confirms that the boy or girl has Asperger's Autism. Devastating! However, many shy but intelligent people have been labeled autistic or perhaps worst, childhood schizophrenia. Childhood schizophrenia is not to be confused with Asperger's. Asperger's is more along the lines of selective mutism and high-functioning autism. In fact, that is just what Asperger's is high functioning autism. There are so many terms today that years ago were never ever mentioned. In the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings, and the shooter Cho Seung Hui, having been diagnosed with Asperger's, more information about it has been disclosed everywhere on the internet, only within the the last year and one half. More on this subject later...

Friday, September 26, 2008 - Make money when people leave your website! - Make money when people leave your website!

Glynn's Social Commentary

Hello and welcome to my Blog. Here I will express my thoughts about everything under the sun, any and all thoughts which come to mind. So, please come here often and visit. And don't forget to express your views, exercise your right to free speech!!